
Speeches 1967 April

  • Message to the French Christian youth (April 30, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To the participants in the general assembly of the Institutes of European Studies (April 29, 1967)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • At the conclusion of the meetings of the annual plenary assembly of the Secretariat for Christian Unity (April 28, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To His Majesty Olav V, King of Norway (April 28, 1967)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To the members of the Italian Airline Company «Alitalia» (April 27, 1967)

    [ Italian ]

  • On the occasion of the first centenary of the Dutch magazine «Katholieke Illustratie» (April 26, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To the participants in the World Congress on the spiritual values of tourism (April 21, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To the members of the Pontifical Commission «Iustitia et Pax» (April 20, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To the participants in the 5th European Conference of the Postal and Telecommunications' Administrations (April 20, 1967)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • At the closing of the 8th plenary session of the «Consilium ad exequendam Constitutionem de sacra Liturgia» (April 19, 1967)

    [ Italian  - Latin ]

  • To Cardinal Maurizio Roy, Archbishop of Québec, President of the Council for the Laity (April 18, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • To the directors of newspapers of the European Economic Community (April 17, 1967)

    [ French ]

  • Radio message to the participants in the First National Eucharistic Congress of Honduras (April 16, 1967)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the members of the Roman Major and Minor Seminary (April 9, 1967)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the rural youth of the European Community (April 8, 1967)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To the participants in the 9th National Congress of the Italian Society of Phonetics, Phoniatry and Audiology (April 8, 1967)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the participants in the second post-conciliar assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference (April 7, 1967)

    [ Italian ]

  • To the Slovenian Catholics (April 6, 1967)

    [ Italian ]