
  • Letter Quinquagesimo propediem to Father Thomas Esser on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of priestly ordination (May 27, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Quod die to Cardinal Dubois on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Paris (May 26, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Conditum annum to Father Jerome Hennessy on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of canonical status of its Congregation (May 23, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Quod annum to Father Carlo Gibier on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of priestly ordination (May 15, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Perlibenti sane to Cardinal Antonio Mendes Bello, Patriarch of Lisbon (May 14, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Father Agostino Gemelli, founder of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (April 22, 1922)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to the Most Reverend Father Giosuè Signori, Archbishop of Genoa (April 7, 1922)

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • Letter to Prince Camillo Francesco Massimo on the occasion of the third centenary of Canonization of Saint Philip Neri (March 8, 1922)

    [ Italian ]
