
  • Chirograph Letter to Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Secretary of State, temporary appointed as Protector of the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles (September 8, 1937)

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • Chirograph Letter to Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Secretary of State, in which the Supreme Pontiff reserves to himself the Prefecture of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities (September 3, 1939)

    [ Italian ]

  • Laeto iucundoque (January 1, 1933)

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph Letter to Cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, Archbishop of Milan, on Italian Catholic Action (April 26, 1931)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter Si compie oggi to Card. Pietro Gasparri, papal Secretary of State, on the occasion of his dismissals (February 7, 1930)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter Avendo Noi creduto to Card. Eugenio Pacelli, appointed as new Secretary of State (February 7, 1930)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter Con grande Nostra to Card. Bisleti concerning the institution of a Commission conferring academic degrees in sacred disciplines (February 6, 1930)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Secretary of State, on the ratification of the Lateran Pact (June 7, 1929)

    [ Italian ]

  • Chirograph Letter to Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Secretary of State, for the signing of the Lateran Pact (May 30, 1929)

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • Letter Quod S. Cyrrillum (February 13, 1927)

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph Letter to Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Secretary of State, for the reform of ecclesiastical legislation (February 18, 1926)

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • Letter Quod Sancti to H.E. Msgr. Fiorenzo Du Bois De La Villerabel, Bishop of Annecy (August 20, 1923)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter Quando nel principio to Cardinal Pietro Gasparri concerning the international relations among European nations (June 24, 1923)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter Ceteriores nos to Father Paolo Jacuzio on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of public consecration of the Archdiocese of Sorrento to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 11, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Bellum post to Cardinal Friedrich Gustav Piffl, concerning the propagation of Catholic faith in Austria (June 10, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Quam ante to Cardinal Dèsirè Joseph Mercier, Archbishop of Malines (June 10, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Dolendum profecto to Cardinal Basilio Pompili, concerning the promotion of vocations to priesthood (June 8, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Quam, Neapoli to Father Gennaro Cosenza, Archbishop of Capua (May 29, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Cum in Vallem to Father Carlo Gregorio Maria Grasso, Archbishop of Salerno (May 28, 1923)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter Non sine animi to Father Jean Baptiste Ollitraut De Keryvallan, Abbot-General of the Order of Cistercians (May 28, 1923)

    [ Latin ]
