OFFICE FOR THE LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF Table of Beatifications during the Pontificate of His Holiness John Paul II
Blesseds in the Year 2008: Beatification, 29 November 2008, Camagüey (Cuba)
- José Olallo Valdés (1820-1889)
Beatification, 24 November 2008, Nagasaki (Japan)
- Peter Kibe Kasui and 187 Companions, martyrs (1603-1639)
Beatification, 19 October 2008, Lisieux (France)
- Luís Martin (1823-1894) and Zélia Guérin (1831-1877)
Beatification, 28 September 2008, Białystok (Poland)
- Michał Sopoćko (1888-1975)
Beatification, 21 September 2008, Verona (Italy)
- Vincenza Maria Poloni (1802-1855)
Beatification, 29 June 2008, Steyl (Holland)
- Josepha Hendrina Stenmanns (1852-1903)
Beatification, 22 June 2008, Beirut (Lebanon)
- Jacques Ghazir Haddad (1875-1954)
Beatification, 1st June 2008, Cathedral of Naples (Italy)
- Maria Giuseppina of Jesus Crucified (Giuseppina Catanea) (1894-1948)
Beatification, 24 May 2008, Lviv (Ukraine)
- Martha Wiecka (1874-1904)
Beatification, 4 May 2008, Cathedral of Trier, Federal Republic of Germany
- Margaret Flesch (1826-1906)
Beatification, 3 May 2008, Rome (Italy)
- Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation (1770-1824)
Beatification, 27 April 2008, Caracas (Venezuela)
- Candelaria of St Joseph (1863-1940)
Beatification, 30 March 2008, Cathedral of Florence (Italy)
- Celestina of the Mother of God (Marianna Donati) (1848-1925)
Beatification, 3 February 2008, Cagliari (Italy)
- Sr Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C. (1863-1924)
Blesseds in the Year 2007: Beatification, 2 December 2007, São Salvador da Bahia, Do Barradão Stadium (Brazil)
- Lindalva Justo de Oliveira
Beatification, 18 November 2007, Sports Arena, Novara (Italy)
Beatification, 11 November 2007, Chimpay (Viedma - Argentina)
Beatification, 27 October 2007, Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome
- Celina Chludzińska v. Borzęcka
Beatification, 26 October 2007, Linz (Austria)
Beatification, 21 October 2007, Frederico Westphalen (Brazil)
- Emmanuel Gómez González
- Adílio Daronch
Beatification, 20 October 2007, Tubarão (Brazil)
Beatification, 30 September 2007, Nysa (Opole Poland)
Beatification, 16 September 2007, Bordeaux (France)
- Marie-Céline de la Présentation (Jeanne Germaine Castang)
Beatification, 16 September 2007, Líchen, (Poland)
- Stanislaw of Jesus and Mary (Jana Papczyński)
Beatification, 15 September 2007, Le Mans, (France)
- Basile-Antoine Marie Moreau
Beatification, 27 May 2007, Città di Castello (Italy)
Beatification, 6 May 2007, Antequera - Málaga (Spain), Recinto ferial
Beatification, 29 April 2007, Rimini (Italy), Cathedral
Beatification, 21 April 2007, Palermo (Italy)
Beatification, 15 April 2007, Castellammare di Stabia (Italy), Cathedral
Beatification, 14 April 2007, Turin (Italy), Church of the Holy Face
*** Blesseds in the Year 2006: Beatification, 3 December 2006, Ollur (Archdiocese of Trichur-India)
Beatification, 5 November 2006, São Paulo (Brazil)
Beatification, 22 October 2006, Bilbao (Spain)
Beatification, 22 October 2006, Speyer (Germany)
Beatification, 8 October 2006, Fiesole (Italy)
- Maria Teresa of Jesus (1825-1889)
Beatification, 17 September 2006, Brescia (Italy)
Beatification, 17 September 2006, Budapest (Hungary)
- Sára Salkaházi (1899-1944)
Beatification, 15 June 2006, Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
- Eustáquio von Lieshout (1890-1943)
Beatification, 28 May 2006
- Rita Amada Of Jesus (1848-1913)
Beatification, 14 May 2006, Naples (Italy)
- Sr Maria of the Passion (1866-1912)
Beatification, 13 May 2006, Roermond (The Netherlands)
- Sr Maria Teresa of Saint Joseph (1855-1938)
Beatification, 30 April 2006, Milan (Italy)
- Luigi Biraghi (1801-1879)
- Luigi Monza (1898 - 1954)
Beatification, 30 April 2006, Ramapuram, Palai (India)
- Agostino Thevarparampil "Kunjachan" (1891-1973)
Beatification, 14 March 2006, Bari
- Sister Elia di San Clemente (1901-1927)
*** Blesseds in the Year 2005: Beatification, 20 November 2005, Guadalajara
- Anacleto González Flores and 8 Companions (+1927/1928)
- José Trinidad Rangel (1887-1927)
- Andrés Solá Molist (1895-1927)
- Leonardo Pérez (1883-1927)
- Darío Acosta Zurita (1908-1931)
Beatification, 13 November 2005
- Maria Crocifissa Curcio (1877-1957)
Beatification, 6 November 2005, Vicenza
- Eurosia Fabris (1866-1932)
Beatification, 29 October 2005
- María De Los Ángeles Ginard Martí (1894-1936)
- Josep Tàpies and six Companions
Beatification, 9 October 2005
- Clemens August Graf von Galen - Bishop of Münster (1933-1946 Cardinal)
Beatification, 19 June 2005
- Ignatius Kłopotowski (1866-1931)
- Władysław Findysz (1907-1964)
- Photo
- Biography
[Czech, Croatian, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Ukrainian]
- Bronisław Markiewicz (1842-1912)
Beatification, 14 May 2005
- Ascensión del Corazón de Jesús (1868-1940)
- Marianne Cope (1838-1918)
*** Blesseds in the Year 2004 Beatification, 3 October 2004
- Peter Vigne (1670-1740)
- Joseph-Marie Cassant (1878-1903)
- Anna Katharina Emmerick (1774-1824)
- Maria Ludovica De Angelis (1880-1962)
- Charles of Austria (1887-1922)
- Photo
- Biography
[Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish]
5 September 2004, Loreto
- Pere Tarrés i Claret (1905-1950)
- Alberto Marvelli (1918-1946)
25 April 2004, III Sunday of Easter
- Augusto Czartoryski (1858-1893)
- Laura Montoya (1874-1949)
- María Guadalupe García Zavala (1878-1963)
- Giulia Nemesia Valle (1847-1916)
- Eusebia Palomino Yenes (1899-1935)
- Alexandrina Maria da Costa (1904-1955)
21 March 2004, IV Sunday of Lent
- Luigi Talamoni (1848-1926)
- Matilde del Sagrado Corazón Téllez Robles (1841-1902)
- Piedad de la Cruz Ortiz Real (1842-1916)
- Maria Candida of the Eucharist (1884-1949)
Blesseds in the Year 2003 9 November 2003
- Juan Nepomucene Zegrí y Moreno (1831-1905)
- Valentin Paquay (1828-1905)
- Luigi Maria Monti (1825-1900)
- Bonifacia Rodríguez Castro (1837-1905)
- Rosalie Rendu (1786-1856)
19 October 2003
- Mother Theresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
Slovakia, 14 September 2003
- Vasiľ Hopko (1904-1976)
- Zdenka Cecilia Schelingová (1916-1955)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22 June 2003
Croatia, 6 June 2003
- Maria of Jesus Crucified Petković (1892-1966)
Beatification (April 27, 2003)
- James Alberione (1884-1971)
- Mark of Aviano (1631-1699)
- Maria Cristina Brando (1856-1906)
- Eugenia Ravasco (1845-1900)
- Maria Domenica Mantovani (1862-1934)
- Giulia Salzano (1846-1929)
Beatification (March 23, 2003):
Pierre Bonhomme (1803-1861)
María Dolores Rodríguez Sopeña (1848-1918)
María Caridad Brader (1860-1943)
Juana María Condesa Lluch (1862-1916)
László Batthyány-Strattmann (1870-1931)
*** Blesseds in the Year 2002:
Andrea Giacinto Longhin (1863-1936)
Marcantonio Durando (1801-1880)
Mary of the Passion Hélène Marie de Chappotin de Neuville (1839-1904)
Sr Liduina Meneguzzi (1901-1941)
- Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (1822-1895)
- Jan Balicki (1869-1948)
- Jan Beyzym (1850-1912)
- Sancja Szymkowiak (1910-1942)
- Juan Bautista and Jacinto de Los Angeles
- Kamen Vitchev
- Pavel Djidjov
- Josaphat Chichkov
- Gaetano Errico (1791-1860)
- Lodovico Pavoni (1748-1849)
- Luigi Variara (1875-1923)
- María del Tránsito de Jesús Sacramentado (1821-1885)
- Artemide Zatti (1880-1951)
- María Romero Meneses (1902-1977)
*** Blesseds in the Year 2001:
- Pavol Peter Gojdič (1888-1960)
- Metod Dominik Trčka (1886-1959)
- Giovanni Antonio Farina (1803-1888)
- Bartolomeu dei Martiri Fernandes (1514-1590)
- Gaetana Sterni (1827-1889)
- Maria del Pilar Izquierdo Albero (1906-1945)
- Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi (1880-1951)
- Maria Corsini vedova Beltrame Quattrocchi (1884-1965)
- Ignazio Maloyan (1869-1915)
- Nikolaus Gross (1898-1945)
- Alfonso Maria Fusco (1839-1910)
- Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891)
- Emilie Tavernier Gamelin (1800-1851)
- Eugenia Picco (1867-1921)
- Maria Euthymia Üffing (1914-1955)
- Giorgio Preca (1880-1962)
- Ignazio (Nazju) Falzon (1813-1865)
- Maria Adeodata Pisani (1806-1855)
- Manuel González García (1877-1940)
- Marie Anne Blondin (1809-1890)
- Caterina Volpicelli (1839-1894)
- Caterina Cittadini (1801-1857)
- Carlos Emanuel Cecilio Rodríguez Santiago (1918-1963)
- José Aparicio Sanz and 232 Companions, Martyrs in Spain (+ 1936-1939)
*** Blesseds in the Year 2000:
- Pope John XXIII (1881-1963)
- Tommaso Reggio (1818-1901)
- William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)
- Columba Marmion (1858-1923)
- Jacinta Marto (1910-1920)
- Francisco Marto (1908-1919)
- Mariano de Jesùs Euse Hoyos (1845-1926)
- Francesco Saverio Seelos (1819-1867)
- Anna Rosa Gattorno (1831-1900)
- Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad (1870-1957)
- Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (1876-1926)
*** Blesseds in the Year 1999: October 3, 1999
- Nicola da Gesturi (1882-1958)
- Edward Joannes Maria Poppe (1890-1924)
- Ferdinando Maria Baccilieri (1821-1893)
- Mariano da Roccacasale (1778-1866)
- Archangelo Tadini (1846-1912)
September 19, 1999
- Anton Martin Slomek (1800-1862)
June 13, 1999
- Mother Regina Protmann (1562-1613)
- Edmund Bojanowski (1814-1871)
May 2, 1999
*** Blesseds in the Year 1998 25 October 1998
- Frei Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão (1739-1822)
- Don Zefirino Agostini (1813-1896)
- Faustino Míguez (1831-1925)
- Theodore Guerin (1798-1856)
10 May 1998
- María Sagrario de San Luis Gonzaga (1881-1936)
- María Gabriela Hinojosa Naveros (1872-1936)
- Francisca del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Aldea Araujo (1881-1936)
- Rita Dolores Pujalte Sánchez (1852-1928)
- María Maravillas de Jesús Pidal (1891-1974)
- Nimatullah Al-Hardini Youssef Kassab (1808-1858)
*** Blesseds in the Year 1997 9 November 1997
- Giovanni Battista Scalabrini (1839-1905)
- Maria Vicenta de Santa Dorotea Chávez Orozco (1867-1949)
12 October 1997
- Giovanni Battista Piamarta (1841-1913)
- Domenico Lentini (1770-1828)
- Émilie D'Hooghvorst (1818-1878)
- Elias del Soccorso Neves (1882-1928)
- Maria Teresa Fasce (1881-1947)
22 August 1997
- Federico Ozanam (1813-1853)
Blesseds in the Year 1979: 29 April 1979
- Francisco Coll (1812-1875)
- Jacques-Désiré Laval (1803-1864)