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Dicastery for Culture and Education
Archive -
Congregation for Catholic Education
(for Educational Institutions)


  • Presentation of the Instruction on "Studies in Canon Law in the light of the reform of cases regarding the nullity of marriage" (3 May 2018)
  • Press Conference for the presentation of the Document "Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic Schools. Living in Harmony for a Civilization of Love" (19 December 2013)
  • Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio data" Ministrorum institutio modifying the Apostolic Constitution Pastor bonus and transferring the governance of seminaries from the "Congregation for Catholic Education" to the "Congregation for the Clergy" (16 January 2013)
    [French, Italian, Latin]
  • Press Conference for the presentation of the document entitled "Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood" (October 30, 2008)
  • Press Conference for the presentation of the document entitled Reform of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences (September 25, 2008)
  • Greeting of Card. Zenon Grocholewski to His Holiness Benedict XVI on the occasion of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions) (January 21, 2008)
  • Press Conference for the presentation of the Document "Educating Together in Catholic Schools. A Shared Mission between Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful" (November 20, 2007)
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski during the Holy Mass celebrated for the opening of the Academic Year of the Pontifical Universities of Rome (October 25, 2007)
  • Greeting of Card. Zenon Grocholewski to His Holiness Benedict XVI at the conclusion of the meeting with the students of the Pontifical Universities of Rome for the opening of the Academic Year (October 25, 2007)
  • Greeting of Card. Zenon Grocholewski to His Holiness Benedict XVI on the occasion of the visit to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (October 13, 2007)
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the feast of Saint Joseph Calasanzio, founder and patron of the Piarist Fathers (Scolopi) (August 25, 2007)
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the National Conference of Educators of Seminaries of Italy (July 2, 2007)
    [Italian, Portuguese]
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski during the Eucharistic Concelebration on the memorial of St. Norbert at the College of the Order of Canons Regular of PrĂ©montrĂ© in Rome (June 6, 2007)
  • Eucharistic Concelebration presided over by Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the 25th anniversary of the Theological Faculty of Sicily in Palermo (February 14, 2007)
  • Eucharistic Concelebration presided over by Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the Congress sponsored by the National Centre for Vocations of the Italian Episcopal Conference (January 4, 2007)
    [Italian, Spanish]
  • Greeting of Card. Zenon Grocholewski to His Holiness Benedict XVI at the conclusion of the meeting with the students of the Pontifical Universities of Rome for the opening of the Academic Year (October 23, 2006)
  • Holy Mass presided over by Card. Grocholewski on the occasion of a Study Seminar for Bishops organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization (September 18, 2006)
    [French, Italian]
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski at the meeting of the Officials and Consultors of the Dicastery (January 9, 2006)
  • Report by Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the opening of the Congress organised by the "Consociatio internationalis musicae sacrae" (November 10, 2005)
    [Italian, Portuguese]
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski for the inauguration of the Academic Year of the Pontifical Ecclesiastic Universities (October 27, 2005)
    [Italian, Spanish]
  • Statement by Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski at the "Antonianum" Pontifical University (March 9, 2005)
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the European Symposium "The challenges of education" (July 3, 2004)
    [Italian, Portuguese]
  • Homily of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the International Congress on bioethics held in Rome by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (June 21, 2004)
    [Italian, Portuguese]
  • Homily of Card. Zenon Grocholewski on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Pontifical Brazilian College of Rome (April 1, 2004)
  • Homily of Card. Zenon Grocholewski for the inauguration of the 8th International Youth Forum (March 31, 2004)
    [Italian, Portuguese]
  • Homily of Card. Zenon Grocholewski for the inauguration of the Academic Year of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (November 22, 2003)
  • Homily of Card. Zenon Grocholewski for the inauguration of the Academic Year of the Alphonsian Academy (October 2003)
  • Homily of Cardinal Grocholewski at the conclusion of the International Congress on "Globalization and Catholic Higher Education" (December 6, 2002)
  • Address of Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski to the Meeting of the European Catholic Universities (July 24-29, 2000)
  • Address of Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski to the Polish National Congress on Vocations and the Vocation Apostolate (May 19, 2000)
  • Address of Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski on the celebration of the third centenary of the Minor Seminary in Split-Croatia (March 23, 2000)
    [French, Italian]
  • Introduction of Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski to the Day of Study in preparation for the Jubilee celebration of the University Professors (February 12, 2000)
  • The apostolate of religious teaching in the Catholic schools (October 15, 1996)
  • Instruction on the Study of the Fathers of the Church in the Formation of Priests (November 10, 1989)
  • Pastoral Care of People on the Move in the Formation of Future Priests (January 25, 1986)
  • Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis (March 19, 1985)
  • Circular Letter Concerning Some of the More Urgent Aspects of Spiritual Formation in Seminaries (January 6, 1980)
    [Italian, Spanish]
  • Instruction on Liturgical Formation in Seminaries (June 3, 1979)  
  • A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy (April 11, 1974)
  • The Study of Philosophy in Seminaries (January 20, 1972)